$20 for 3 works
Please email your images to: theinartgallery@gmail.com
Subject: cctober-photography- Images - Artist Last Name
*Images titled: artistname_imagetitle-imageentry#
Entry deadline: September 30, 2021 at midnight
Best In Show $80.00
1st Place $70.00
2nd Place $60.00
3rd Place $50.00
Award of Excellence $40.00
Honorable mention $30.00
Honorable mention $30.00
Directors Award $30.00

Juror - Libby Rowe
Libby Rowe is an artist working in photography, sculpture, interactive installation, and performance. Her artwork explores ideas of identity and belonging through self-definitions as informed by social and domestic constructs. Rowe is interested in breaking from traditional presentation strategies for photographs to engage viewers in a more interactive experience as well as the role of the photographic image in relation to other media. Through pink, Rowe explores the sociological, physiological and psychological aspects of femininity using image, object and installations. Rowe’s performances were included in the Vertigo Performance Series at the Waterloo Center for the Arts and Fountain Art Fair New York in 2014. Rowe’s photographic series, Inside/Out and the installation (sub)Division were recently exhibited together at United Photo Industries in Brooklyn New York and were exhibited with Like Panes of Glass at Morlan Gallery in Lexington, KY. Rowe received her BFA from the University of Northern Iowa and her MFA from Syracuse University. She resides and works in San Antonio, Texas.
The In Art Gallery - Photography - October Show
The In Art Gallery is an online gallery and resource for emerging artists in all ranges of careers to have a platform for exhibiting artwork and reaching a global audience. The In Art Gallery provides opportunity for artists to submit work in various mediums in an international juried competition. In a world in which travel restrictions and access to art are becoming limited we are looking to create a space for artists to build their career and develop professional experience. The In Art Gallery will hold monthly juried exhibitions for artists to apply to and build their resume and provide an affordable juried venue for artists to exhibit. We are looking to provide artists with an avenue to have their work seen by professional artists, professors, curators, and critics across the globe. The submission fee will cover the cost of jurying, awards and website management.
This month our theme is Photography. Please submit your highest quality work that involves photography. This work will be a highly competitive exhibition of the selected entrant’s best work that reflects the theme of this show.
This exhibition is open to all artists over the ages of 18. Please submit up to 3 works and 1 detail. Label images with “Detail” at the end. All accepted artists are asked to submit a short artist statement (4-5 sentences) upon acceptance that will be displayed with their work. No work is required to be shipped. Please look at our website for commonly asked questions or reach out to us at the: theinartgallery@gmail.com.
Entry Fees are non-refundable under any circumstance. By applying you agree to these terms.
Entries accepted January 1 - September 30
Notification of acceptance approximately October 5
Show goes online at midnight October 5 (Awards will be displayed)
Awards will be dispersed October 10
Show is archived November 6
Please email your images to: theinartgallery@gmail.com