The Master Series
Primordial Ocean
A Solo Exhibition of Works by Saloni Parekh & Emily McCall Roca Rice

Primordial Ocean is a two-person exhibition featuring collaborative installation by Saloni Parekh and Emily McCall Roca Rice. Primordial Ocean explores the basic vibrations of sound that might have existed at the beginning of time. Parekh and Roca Rice offer a physical and visual aid to the primordial. By creating these sound experiments in a dimensional and painterly way, the artists anticipate the discovery of something unexpected.
Saloni Parekh’s work celebrates the complexity of symbolism and iconography of Hinduism by examining traditions, rituals, and bhakti (devotional) practices of India. Her work explores the ancient Indian text Veda focusing on the 129th Hymn of Rig Veda, ‘Hymn of Creation’. The agnostic approach in the hymn about the creator and creation fuels her imagination to a newly objectified realm of mythical Symbiosis.
Emily McCall Roca Rice engages with fragmentation, post-apocalyptic realities,and sustainable resurrection through material handling and direct observation. Investigating what is torn, broken and dead, and then reshaping these materials is their alchemical method for transfiguration and a way to gather all of time together. These are their manifestations and comprehensions of a believed and beloved reality through an exploration of the fascia between relationships and time.