Bigger Than Big Exhibition
A collection of work Juried by Melanie Cooper Pennington
Award of Excellence - Peter T Xiao - Through
3rd Place - Shelby Shadwell - VISCERAL 4
1st Place - David LaPalombara - Death of a Young Palestinian
Peter T Xiao - Istoria (Homage to Lorenzetti)
Monica Stock - I Just Need A Moment
Directors Award - William Bennett -Omphalos/Oculus: looking in seeing out
Rebecca Hamlin Green - The Last
Honorable mention - Rebecca Hamlin Green - Dive (The Seeker)
William Fillmore - Endless Reign
Nancy P Gladwell - The Great Station Invasion
Nancy P Gladwell - The Source- nod to Ingres
Michel Droge - When Cupid Went Crazy
Michel Droge - Maine Slate
zoe fitch - Sorry Not Sorry
Tommy DeNardo - Untitled
Adam Mulder - You wouldn't like me when I'm angry
Fafnir Adamites - Cryptonyms Exhibit Installation Image
2nd Place - Fafnir Adamites - Interfere (With)
Ila Dannelley - Magnolia
Best of Show - Jessica Hunt - Bound
Jessica Hunt - Chosen Family
Jessica Hunt - To The Gods
Honorable mention - Kenzie Holzinger - "Twenty Twenty Identity"
Benjamin Carey - Homespun
Sarah Bohn - Have It
Sarah Bohn - Bride
Sarah Bohn - No Surprise
William Bennett - Wedge/Stone Boat (part of Quarry III) Jamesville, New York